Private Tenants – Possession Proceedings
If you are a Landlord and you need to evict a tenant either the standard s.8 procedure or the accelerated procedure under s.21 we can help. Here at Optimus Legal Services, working together with our Barrister at Optimus Chambers, we can provide you with everything you need to get your property back and then advise on any recovery of rent arrears or damage claim above and beyond compensation through the Rent Deposit Scheme.
The stages of possession are generally as set out below. But we provide a completely customisable and tailor made service so you are able to pick us up at any stage of the process to assist you as much or as little as you need.
Preparation and service s.21 Notice
Issue Court Proceedings
Court Hearing (if required)
Letter to Tenant Advising Possession Granted and requesting vacation of property
Request Warrant for Possession
Transfer to High Court for much quicker and efficient enforcement through High Court Enforcement Agents
Letter to Tenant Advising Warrant for Possession and requesting vacation of property
Preparation and service s.8 Notice
Issue Court Proceedings
Preparing Witness Statements and evidence
Court Hearing
Letter to Tenant Advising Possession Granted and requesting vacation of property
Request Warrant for Possession
Transfer to High Court for much quicker and efficient enforcement through High Court Enforcement Agents
Letter to Tenant Advising Warrant for Possession and requesting vacation of property
Other linked services we can undertake on your behalf include:-
Letter to Council advising of Eviction in attempt to assist with future housing of tenant
Pre-Action Letter for rent arrears or damage claim
Entering into discussions with the Rent Deposit Scheme in the event of conflict

Private Tenants – Eviction
Once you have obtained your warrant for possession and your tenant has still not vacated, our Certified Enforcement Agent will attend your property and effect your order of possession. The tenants will be evicted and you will have your property back in your possession.
We will always provide you with a short report as to what occurred on site and provide photographic evidence of the state of the property immediately after eviction to protect your interests moving forward.
Other Eviction
Common Law Evictions
Whether it be travellers, protestors, horses or squatters on private land, there is no legal requirement for court intervention. Under common law, as land owners, all you need to do is issue a formal notice of eviction, which of course we undertake on your behalf. That notice will specify a date upon which your uninvited guests are obliged to vacate your land.
If they choose not to obey the notice, as Certified Enforcement Agents we will attend your land and remove them from it.
We will always provide you with a short report as to what occurred on site and provide photographic evidence of the state of the land immediately after eviction to protect your interests moving forward.